Foodie Bikers

I’m an easy going, spontaneous, loves to have fun, risk taker, music loving, glass half full, raised in the city, 25 years on a farm kinda girl. Looking for a real man, that isn’t a girly man, hard working, loves his family, honest and is open to...

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My profile is undergoing a transformation...PLEASE stand by. I'm not looking to meet anyone at the moment

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Souhaiterais rencontrer une motarde ou SDS pour tisser une relation de confiance et envisager un futur à deux.

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Looking for spontaneity. Breakfast, lunch, dinners. Enjoy golf. Love weekend getaways. Enjoy sports. Independent and won’t smother you. Enjoy meeting people

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A retired nice guy,a construction worker for a union outfit, I was a hard working person, who doesn't want to hear headaches hard times or hassles, about no good x-so an so,s. Those are old memories let's make new ones, Im looking for someone to...

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I'm a very hard working man M-F. Weekends off to camp, fish, ride and weekend getaways. I do not drink but do smoke. I'm open to just about anything and a direct person that says anything on my mind. Doesn't hold back. I will stand for the flag...

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Very patient and enjoys life. Loves to ride as much as I can seeing all I can and I love the outdoors, boating, fishing and riding my Harley’s

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Easy going guy who loves warm weather, beaches, being outdoors, and spending time with that special person.

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