Religious Bikers

I’m an easy going, spontaneous, loves to have fun, risk taker, music loving, glass half full, raised in the city, 25 years on a farm kinda girl. Looking for a real man, that isn’t a girly man, hard working, loves his family, honest and is open to...

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I've been riding longer than driving. LOL. When I'm not riding my bike you can find me out on the gulf on my boat. Ask me anything. Looking forward to talking to you.

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Caring, Compassionate, Thoughtful, Loving, Loyal, Adventurous.

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Looking to begin the next chapter of my life with a partner that wants to have fun. I'm happy when exploring and doing activities outdoors. Love to snow ski, fish, camp and ride.

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Fun loving, down to earth. I like going out to eat and see a good movie. I can also stay at home cook and watch a good movie on TV. Not much into clubbing, but I don't mind going out for some fun

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Got a job,hard working looking for someone to have a good time with friend and companion

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I'm a very hard working man M-F. Weekends off to camp, fish, ride and weekend getaways. I do not drink but do smoke. I'm open to just about anything and a direct person that says anything on my mind. Doesn't hold back. I will stand for the flag...

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Easy going guy who loves warm weather, beaches, being outdoors, and spending time with that special person.

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